
Product images are arguably one of the most important elements of a successful e-commerce store.

They not only help customers to visualize the products they are purchasing, but also provide a great opportunity for brands and businesses to showcase their product offerings.

Product images should be chosen carefully and optimized for maximum impact in order to maximize sales.

Images should be clear, professional-looking, and accurately represent the product being sold. When selecting product images, it is important to consider size, resolution, quality, and colour accuracy.

Using larger images that are properly sized for different devices will ensure customers can see all the details of your products.

High-quality photos taken with high resolutions will allow customers to zoom in on certain areas and get a better understanding of what the product looks like when they purchase it.

Colour accuracy is a must when it comes to product photography as colours play an important role in how customers perceive a product before buying it.

Capturing accurate colours in your photos will ensure customers receive exactly what they expect when they purchase your products online.

Finally, don’t forget that adding lifestyle shots to your store can be a great way to engage customers and capture their attention while convincing them of making the purchase.

With these tips in mind, you can ensure that your e-commerce store has effective product imagery that leads to more sales!

A-Definition of E-Commerce Product Images

E-commerce product images are digital photographs, illustrations, or graphics used to represent a product in an online store.

These images should be of high quality in order to entice potential buyers and help them make a decision about the item they are considering.

The images should also accurately reflect the product they are intended to showcase, with good lighting and focus that captures the features of the item, as well as its size and color.

Additionally, it is also important to consider details such as angles, background setup, and any styling that can help draw attention to the product in order for customers to get a better understanding of what they’re buying.

It is also important for e-commerce product images to include additional information such as title, description, and price in order for customers to fully understand the item before making their purchase.

B. Importance of e-commerce product images

The importance of e-commerce product images cannot be overstated. Product images have the power to turn casual visitors into paying customers, increase sales and build trust with your brand’s target audience.

 High quality product images will help you display the features and benefits of your products more effectively than text alone can convey.

Moreover, having consistent and attractive product images is essential to creating a professional image, appealing to customers, and building customer loyalty.

By providing an accurate representation of what’s being sold, shoppers can easily distinguish between different products and make informed decisions about their purchasing choices.

Furthermore, using multiple angles or detailed close-up shots for each product gives shoppers a better understanding of what they are getting before making a purchase.

When appropriate, adding lifestyle images helps create an emotional connection with potential customers as well as demonstrate how the product fits into different scenarios or contexts.

Finally, when it comes to optimizing your e-commerce site for search engines, good quality product images with descriptive alt tags will play an important role in helping you boost visibility on SERPs.

Therefore when it comes to e-commerce product images – quality matters!

1-Tips for Taking High-Quality E-Commerce Product Images

A. Use a good camera or smartphone

When it comes to taking high-quality e-commerce product images, having the right equipment is essential. A good camera or smartphone can make a huge difference in the quality of the photos you take.

When choosing a camera, look for one that has manual settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO sensitivity as these will allow you to fine-tune your shots and create more professional-looking images.

Additionally, a good macro lens is also highly recommended as this allows you to capture details up close and personal with your products.

Another important factor to consider when photographing products is lighting. Natural light is usually best but if that’s not an option then invest in some studio lighting equipment, such as softboxes and ring lights, to help get the perfect shot every time. Lastly, don’t forget about your background!

Try to find a simple backdrop that compliments your product so that it stands out against its surroundings and draws attention from viewers.

B. Use proper lighting

Lighting is one of the most important factors in creating high-quality e-commerce product images. It should be even, natural, and not too bright or dark.

If possible, try to use daylight as your main source of light and supplement it with artificial light sources if needed.

 You should also make sure to avoid direct sunlight when photographing products, as this can create uneven lighting and harsh shadows that won’t show off the product in its best light.

 When using artificial lighting, you should use softboxes or umbrellas to diffuse the light, which will help create a more even look.

 If you are shooting indoors, consider setting up multiple lights on stands in different locations around the product to create balanced lighting no matter what angle it’s viewed from.

Props such as white cards or reflectors can also be helpful for bouncing additional light onto certain areas of the product for a more three-dimensional look.

Finally, don’t forget to adjust camera settings such as exposure and white balance according to the environment you’re shooting in order to ensure your pictures look their best every time!

C. Use a plain background

When taking product images for e-commerce, it is essential to use a plain background. This helps to draw the customer’s attention to the product itself and not be distracted by any additional elements.

To achieve this, select a blank or neutral wall for shooting against. Avoid bright colors or prints that can clash with the product and make it difficult to focus on what you are trying to promote.

Additionally, opt for natural light instead of artificial lighting, as this will help you capture clean and crisp images.

If possible, try using a tripod so that your camera remains steady while taking pictures; this will reduce unwanted blurriness and help ensure your product photos look sharp and professional.

For best results, use a high-resolution camera lens and adjust settings such as white balance and ISO levels to create stunning visuals that showcase your products in their best light.

D. Use appropriate angles and compositions

When taking product images for e-commerce purposes, it is important to use appropriate angles and compositions in order to capture the item in the best possible light.

For example, when shooting a small object, a higher angle can be used to provide an overview of the item and its features.

When showcasing apparel or accessories, a lower angle can help to highlight details such as fabric type, texture, and fit.

Additionally, choosing an aesthetically pleasing composition with an uncluttered background can help draw attention to the product itself.

Depending on the type of product being photographed, it may be beneficial to include props or models within the image as they can provide context and enhance consumer engagement.

When using props and models, however, it is important to ensure that they do not detract from or compete with the product itself.

Ultimately, utilizing appropriate angles and compositions will help ensure that products are showcased in a way that encourages consumer interest and increases sales potential.

E. Edit and retouch images as needed

Editing and retouching images is an important step to take when creating high-quality e-commerce product images.

This can include adjusting the white balance, adjusting exposure levels, colour correction, removing backgrounds, and enhancing details.

In addition, cropping and resizing the image can also help highlight the product and make it look more appealing. Retouching may also involve adding text or logos or even adding graphic elements like frames.

Finally, post-production editing such as sharpening should also be considered to bring out all the details in the photograph.

Taking your time to properly edit and retouch your e-commerce product images will ensure that they look professional and attractive to potential buyers.

2-Tips for choosing the right e-commerce product images

A. Show multiple angles and views of the product

When choosing the right e-commerce product images, it is important to display multiple angles and views of the product.

This will allow customers to properly analyze the product in order to make an informed decision on whether or not they would like to purchase it.

Showing different angles of the item can help customers determine its shape, size, color, texture and details more accurately.

If applicable, provide a 360° view of the item so that customers can truly understand what they are buying and how it might fit into their lifestyle.

Additionally, consider adding visuals such as measurements, scale and comparison shots for further clarity.

Providing high-resolution photos is also key; this ensures that customers have a clear representation of what they are looking at when making a purchase decision.

Finally, be sure to use natural lighting when photographing your products for more accurate representation of its true colors and features.

B. Use lifestyle images to show the product in use

When selecting the right e-commerce product images, it is important to consider using lifestyle images to show how the product looks when it is actually being used.

This can be done by setting up a realistic scenario of how the customer would use or interact with the product in their everyday lives.

For example, if your product is a new type of electric razor, you could stage a photograph showing someone running the razor over their cheek with a satisfied smile on their face.

Using these types of lifestyle images can help create a more personal connection with potential customers and demonstrate just how useful and user-friendly your product is.

Additionally, make sure that you are utilizing high-quality photos that display accurate colors and great detail in order to make sure that your product stands out from the crowd.

Ultimately, you want an image that accurately reflects the product itself – so always focus on quality first!

C. Use infographics to highlight key features

When choosing the right e-commerce product images it is important to utilize infographics to highlight key features.

Not only do infographics provide a visual representation of the products, but they also provide an overview of the features that make up the product.

 Infographics can be useful for helping customers understand more about a product and its features in less time than reading through descriptions or reviews.

When creating an infographic, be sure to include key details such as size, color, material, and any other relevant information.

Additionally, consider including pictures of the product in use so that customers can better understand how it looks and functions.

Finally, keep the overall design simple and accessible since this will help ensure customers find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

D. Use zoom and hover-over images to show detail

When it comes to e-commerce product images, the more detail customers can see, the better.

Zoom and hover-over images are great for providing an up close look at products so customers can get a better idea of what they’re purchasing.

Zoom and hover-over images should be high resolution and taken from multiple angles so customers can get an accurate representation of the product.

Additionally, businesses should consider including lifestyle or context photos that demonstrate how their products can be used in the real world.

These types of photos give customers a better understanding of how their purchase could fit into their lives.

Lastly, ensuring all product images are consistent across channels is important for creating a unified customer experience.

By taking all these tips into consideration, businesses can create compelling and informative product images that will help build trust with customers and increase sales.

E. Use video to demonstrate the product in action

Using video to demonstrate the product in action can be a powerful tool to help potential customers make an informed decision.

Not only does video provide a much more immersive experience than still images, it can also be used to showcase the product’s features and benefits while providing a clearer understanding of how they are used.

Video clips can also include information such as product descriptions, customer reviews, and comparisons with other products.

This allows shoppers to quickly and easily access the information they need in order to make an informed purchase decision.

Additionally, video clips can be used as marketing tools by including promotional messages or discounts within the video itself to further encourage customers to purchase the product.

Ultimately, using video to demonstrate the product in action is an effective way of giving customers a fuller understanding of what the item has to offer so that they can make an informed buying decision.


In conclusion, it is essential that e-commerce businesses take the time to properly showcase their products with quality images.

Product images are one of the biggest factors in converting sales, so getting them right can have a huge impact on your business.

When taking and curating product images, it is essential to ensure that the images accurately represent the product and capture its features from all angles.

You should also consider using lifestyle shots or providing additional information about the product for customers who may not be familiar with it.

Additionally, pay attention to details such as background and lighting as this can greatly influence how customers perceive your products.

Ultimately, investing time into creating high-quality product images will help you create a successful e-commerce experience for your customers and maximize your conversions.