
Product photography is an essential part of any Amazon seller’s marketing strategy. It serves as the primary visual element that potential customers use to assess your product before deciding whether or not to purchase.

With high-quality professional product photography, you can greatly enhance the customer experience and increase sales by helping customers feel more confident in their purchasing decision.

Quality images also help buyers understand exactly what they are getting and further build trust with your brand.

The goal of this guide is to provide valuable information on how you can create stunning product photos that will help you maximize sales on Amazon.

We will cover topics such as choosing the right camera and lens, setting up a DIY studio, lighting techniques, post-processing tips, and more.

In addition, we will discuss different types of product photos and why certain types work better than others for specific items.

By following this guide, you will be well on your way to increasing the visibility of your products on Amazon and pushing them up in search results while improving user experience at the same time.


1-Choosing a suitable location:

When it comes to selecting an appropriate space for taking product photos, it is important to consider the lighting and backdrop options available in the area.

Natural light is often best, so try to find a room or outdoor area that provides ample natural light.

If you’re shooting indoors, make sure you have enough room to set up your equipment and can control the amount of light coming into the space.

If shooting outdoors, try to find an area with even lighting, away from harsh shadows and direct sunlight.

Additionally, if you plan on using backdrops or props in your photos, make sure there’s enough space for them within the frame.

2-Lighting equipment and setup:

Lighting can have a huge impact on how your product photography looks, so it is important to get it right when setting up your space.

You’ll need at least two lights (one main light and one fill light) as well as stands, diffusers and reflectors.

The type of lights used will depend on the size of your subject – for small products use softer CFL bulbs whereas for larger items studio strobes may be necessary.

Make sure you know where each light needs to be placed in order to create optimal results – generally one should be placed above and slightly behind the subject while the other should be positioned directly opposite this point on the other side of the product.

3-Backdrops and props:

Your background or backdrop adds another layer of visual appeal to your product photography and can help set off certain products more effectively than others.

Some photographers opt for plain white backgrounds while others may use more textured options such as bricks or wood panels.

If you’re shooting smaller items like jewelry then something like a velvet fabric may work well too – just make sure whatever background choice you make has good contrast with your product so that it stands out from its surroundings.

You might also choose to add props such as plants or sculptures in an effort to further enhance your shots – just make sure everything is relevant to what you’re selling!


1-Cleaning and styling the product:

Before photographing your product, it is essential to ensure that it has been thoroughly cleaned and styled.

 This includes wiping off any dust or dirt, removing any lint or packaging materials, and tidying up any loose items attached to the product.

 Additionally, you may want to style your product with props or other items that will draw attention to its features and create a visually appealing photograph.

2-Positioning the product for the best angle and composition:

When positioning your product for photography, consider what angle will capture all of its features most clearly.

You may also want to consider other elements such as lighting, background and composition – these can have a dramatic effect on how well your image conveys the message about your product.

It is important to ensure that the focus of the image is clear, so experiment with different angles until you find one that works best for you.


1-Camera and Lens Selection:

When it comes to Amazon product photography, the camera and lens selection are two of the most important factors to consider.

The type of camera and lens you choose will depend on the type of product that needs to be photographed, as well as your desired results.

A DSLR or mirrorless camera with a macro lens is typically best for capturing detailed images of small objects, while a wide-angle lens is better suited for photographing larger items.

It’s also helpful to consider the focal length and aperture size of the lens, since these determine how shallow or deep your depth of field will be.

2-Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO Settings:

Once you’ve chosen the camera and lens for your Amazon product photography shoot, it’s time to set up your aperture, shutter speed, and ISO settings.

Your aperture determines how much light will reach the sensor, so it should be adjusted first; then set your shutter speed accordingly to capture a crisp image without motion blur.

Finally, adjust your ISO setting based on the amount of ambient light present in the scene; if there’s low light use higher ISO values to ensure a correctly exposed image.

3-Focusing and Framing the Shot:

After adjusting all technical settings on your camera for Amazon product photography, it’s time to focus and frame the shot properly.

Use manual focus mode to ensure that all areas within view are accurately sharpened before shooting.

This is especially important when shooting with a wide angle or macro lens where depth of field can be limited.

Additionally, pay close attention to composition rules such as the rule of thirds when framing your shots in order to create aesthetically pleasing final images.

4-Shooting in RAW Format:

Finally, remember to shoot in RAW format whenever possible when conducting Amazon product photography

RAW files provide significantly more information than JPEGs which makes them ideal for post-production editing later on.

Be sure that your camera is capable of saving in RAW before beginning any photo shoots.

If not you may need to purchase additional equipment such as an external HDD or memory card with enough capacity for storing large amounts of data from RAW files.


1-Basic edits (e.g., color correction, cropping):

Basic edits in Amazon Product Photography include color correction and cropping. Color correction refers to adjusting the colors of an image to make it look more accurate or aesthetically pleasing.

This may include adjusting the hue, saturation, contrast, brightness, etc. Cropping is the process of removing part of an image while preserving its composition and content.

By cropping a photo, you can focus on a particular subject or area of interest without compromising the overall design of the image.

2-Advanced techniques (e.g., retouching, compositing):

Advanced techniques for Amazon Product Photography include retouching and compositing. Retouching involves manipulating an existing photo to improve its appearance or give it an entirely new look.

This can be done through various software tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom and includes tasks like removing blemishes, enhancing colors, adding special effects, etc.

Compositing involves combining multiple images into one cohesive piece to create a complete composition that conveys a certain message or concept.

In this type of photography, each element must be carefully blended together and all elements need to harmonize with one another for a successful result.

3-Saving and exporting the final images:

Once you have completed all your editing and post-processing work on your Amazon product photographs.

They must be saved in the most appropriate file format so they can be sent out for printing or uploaded onto websites and other online platforms.

Commonly used file formats are JPEGs (.jpg), GIFs (.gif), PNGs (.png) and TIFFs (.tif). When saving files you should keep in mind factors such as color space (RGB vs CMYK), resolution (dpi) and compression (file size).

Exporting images correctly will ensure that all details are preserved when making prints or uploading them online for customers to view them clearly from any device.

Tips and best practices

1-Maintaining consistent lighting and color:

To create a professional look for your images, you must have consistent lighting and color.

This ensures that the product looks the same in all photos, maintaining its true colors across different shots.

Additionally, use white or gray paper as your backdrop to ensure uniformity.

Natural daylight is best for crisp colors, while flashes and softboxes can be used to fill in shadow areas.

2-Using multiple angles and close-ups:

To make sure potential buyers get a good view of the product, take several photos from different angles including front, back, sides and top.

Additionally, providing close-up shots of key features helps customers to examine details such as texture or fabric quality.

Experiment with different camera heights and focal lengths to capture every detail of the product.

3-Capturing details and features of the product:

Showcasing additional details about the product helps customers understand what they are buying.

Examples include items such as size measurements, logos and important information on packaging or labels.

When possible, include pictures with multiple products together so customers can compare sizes and shapes easily.

4-Meeting Amazon’s image requirements and guidelines:

It is important to read Amazon’s guidelines before uploading any images onto their marketplace platform.

Some of the most common requirements are:

  1. High resolution images (at least 1000px on the longest side)
  2. Clean backgrounds without any props or text overlays
  3. And allowing enough space for Amazon’s watermark logo without covering important content or details about your product.

Following these rules will help create an efficient shopping experience for customers when browsing through products on their platform


The Amazon Product Photography Guide is a useful resource for those looking to improve their product photography skills.

It provides an overview of the basics and more advanced techniques, from understanding the fundamentals of lighting, exposure, and composition to learning how to edit photos for maximum impact.

Furthermore, it encourages ongoing practice and experimentation in order to refine one’s skills further and ensure consistently excellent quality images.

By following the guide’s advice and suggestions, photographers can explore new ideas in product photography while advancing their technique with each shoot.

With time, dedication, and perseverance, photographers will find that their photos become increasingly stunning and effective for selling products on Amazon.