
As the world of e-commerce continues to expand, it is essential that businesses understand the importance of having high-quality product photos in their Omni channel selling.

Product photos can make or break a customer’s purchase decision and even influence their overall experience with a brand.

Furthermore, optimized product photos can help increase sales for businesses who want to stay competitive in the growing online market.

To ensure efficient and effective Omni channel selling with product feeds, businesses must learn how to optimize their photos by meeting the size requirements of each sales channel.

This includes making sure images are cropped correctly, and resized to meet specifications for optimal loading speed

Providing image descriptions for accessibility purposes, as well as utilizing tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Canva to adjust brightness and contrast levels.

Optimizing photos may seem like a daunting task but the potential payoff from increased customer engagement and better sales make the effort worth it in the long run.

By following best practices and understanding what works best on each platform, businesses have the opportunity to stand out amongst competitors while improving customer satisfaction and increasing profit margins.

What Is Omnichannel Selling?

Omni channel selling is an approach to retail shopping that allows customers to shop anytime, anywhere, and on any device.

It combines traditional brick-and-mortar stores with various digital channels, such as websites and mobile apps, to create a seamless shopping experience for consumers.

This type of retailing allows customers to browse products on one device (such as their phone) and then purchase it on another (like their laptop).

By making shopping more convenient for customers, Omni channel selling helps businesses reach more potential buyers and increase sales.

The key to successful Omni channel selling is providing customers with the same user experience regardless of which platform they’re using.

Businesses must ensure that their website or app looks the same across all platforms and that product information remains consistent between each channel.

Additionally, businesses should enable customers to move effortlessly between channels without losing any data or preferences they may have entered along the way.

Another important aspect of Omni channel selling is enabling customers to access real-time inventory information in order to ensure accurate availability when purchasing online or in-store.

Many businesses also offer services such as click-and-collect, where customers can order items online and pick them up in store at their convenience.

This helps alleviate shipping costs while still allowing customers access to a wide range of products from different locations.

In addition to providing convenience for consumers, Omni channel selling also gives businesses valuable insights into customer behaviour by tracking their purchasing habits across multiple channels.

This data can be used by retailers to better understand customer preferences and inform future marketing strategies.

Ultimately, by creating an integrated shopping experience that meets the demands of today’s consumer, businesses can optimize sales across all channels through effective Omni channel selling tactics.

Why Are Good Ecommerce Product Images Important?

Good eCommerce product images are important for a variety of reasons. Not only do they help shoppers to understand the look, colour, and shape of a product, but good product images also create a sense of trust with potential customers.

When customers can clearly see the quality of an item through a well-made image, they’re more likely to buy it than if the photo is blurry or unclear.

Product images are also important because they can show off unique features that may not be apparent in traditional photography.

For example, you could use detailed lifestyle shots to demonstrate how your products will fit into customer’s lives.

Additionally, having multiple angles and perspectives on products can help customers make informed decisions when shopping online.

Similarly, multiple zoomed-in images provide customers with more details so that they know what to expect when their purchase arrives.

Finally, clear product photos are essential for increasing conversions; research shows that high-quality imagery leads to higher conversion rates compared to lower-quality images.

Therefore, good ecommerce product images play an important role in helping businesses attract new customers and increase sales.


1.Use Concise and Direct Image Names

When it comes to optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, it is important to use concise and direct image names.

For example, an image that features a red dress should be named “[Product Name] Red Dress” rather than “IMG_12345”. 

Additionally, it is also important to ensure that the images are of high resolution and sharpness as blurry or pixelated images can make your product appear unprofessional and unattractive.

Furthermore, by providing detailed descriptions of each image you will help customers easily identify what the product looks like without having to click on the photo itself.

This can save shoppers time when browsing through products online and increase the chances of them making a purchase.

Finally, using keywords related to the product in the image name or description can further optimize its visibility in online searches which increases potential sales.

2.Use Consistent Lighting And Angles

When optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, consistency is key. It is important to ensure that all photos have the same lighting and angles, as this will create a sense of continuity across online stores and social media platforms.

To further enhance the quality of your images, take them in natural light rather than using artificial light sources such as lamps or flashbulbs.

Additionally, use a good quality camera and high resolution settings to capture crisp, clear shots.

When editing the photos afterwards, use a photo editing software such as Adobe Photoshop or GIMP to adjust brightness and contrast levels as needed.

Finally, make sure that each image you post has been saved in an appropriate file format for web use (JPEG or PNG).

By following these techniques you can be sure that all the photos you share will look great on any channel!

3.Edit for Colour Accuracy

To ensure that your photos look consistent across different sales channels and maximize their effectiveness, it is important to pay special attention to colour accuracy when editing.

To achieve this, use photo editing software and tools such as Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom to adjust the exposure, contrast, saturation, and temperature of the image.

Colour calibration can also help achieve true-to-life colour accuracy across different devices.

Additionally, if you are shooting with professional equipment, consider getting a calibrated monitor for better control over the colours in your images.

And last but not least, try to keep your photos in sRGB or Adobe RGB formats which are more suitable for web display than CMYK formats.

Following these tips will enable you to create high-quality images that will look great across all sales channels.

4.Crop and Resize for Different Channels

When optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, it’s important to consider cropping and resizing the images to best fit each platform.

This ensures that customers can view your products in the best possible light, no matter what channel they’re using. Resizing photos allows you to easily adjust the image size without negatively affecting its quality.

Using an image editor like Adobe Photoshop or Pixlr will allow you to crop and resize your images with ease.

Additionally, it is recommended to use a high-resolution file format like JPG or PNG so that the photo is crisp and clear on all devices.

Furthermore, when creating promotional materials such as ads or product descriptions, remember to include captions and keywords that accurately describe the product so potential customers can find them quickly and easily.

Finally, utilizing tools such as stock photography libraries can help you create more dynamic visuals that are sure to capture customer attention and keep them coming back for more!

5.Use Lifestyle Shots to Show Product In Use

When it comes to optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, one of the best techniques is to use lifestyle shots.

This type of shot provides viewers with an idea of how a product can be used in their own lives, thus creating a stronger connection between them and the item.

 Moreover, lifestyle shots help make products more relatable by showcasing a range of ways they can be used.

For example, if you are selling a kitchen appliance like a blender, you could show someone blending up a smoothie or something else that people might use this device for.

 You could also add props or accessories that viewers may find helpful when using the product in question.

Additionally, these types of photos can also give customers ideas about what other items they should purchase alongside your product to get the most out of it.

By providing these types of visuals, customers will have an easier time imagining themselves using the item and that often increases their chances of buying it.

6.Include Multiple Angles and Close-Ups

When optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, it is essential to include multiple angles and close-ups in order to maximize the impact of the product to potential customers.

This will provide an opportunity for shoppers to view the item from all sides, enabling them to better imagine how it looks in their own home or on their person.

Additionally, close-up shots can highlight details that might otherwise be missed if a customer only has access to a single image.

By having several images available, shoppers are more likely to gain an accurate sense of what the product looks like and make an informed decision about whether they would like to purchase it.

To ensure that the images have maximum impact and reach the right audience, they should also be carefully edited and adjusted as necessary for optimal viewing on different devices across different channels.

Furthermore, adding additional information such as details about material types and sizes can further inform viewers and help them decide what best fits their needs.

7. Scale of Item Photos

When optimizing photos for omnichannel selling, it’s important to consider the scale of item photos.

This is because if the image size is too large, it will slow down page loading times and affect customer experience negatively.

To ensure a good customer experience, item photos should be optimized for web and resized when necessary.

It’s also recommended to use the most common file types for images (.jpg, .png or .gif) as there are many different sizes and formats when sending through email or social media channels.

Additionally, make sure all item photos have a consistent aspect ratio with an appropriate resolution (72dpi) to ensure they look sharp on all platforms and devices.

When in doubt, always consult with your designer or graphic artist who can provide guidance on how to optimize the photo to meet the needs of each channel.


1-Use a centralized system for storing and organizing photos:

A centralized system is one of the best practices for storing and organizing photos. This involves utilizing a single repository where all of your image files are kept and organized.

This forms the foundation for both efficient searching and easy access to past photos.

By having all of your photos stored in one place, you can quickly find the images that you’re looking for, no matter how long ago they were taken.

Furthermore, this also helps to avoid duplicate files, thereby saving storage space on your device or cloud platform.

2-Use descriptive and consistent file names:

When creating file names for your photos, be sure to use words that accurately describe the content of each image.

This will make it much easier to search for specific images at a later date based on their descriptive titles.

Additionally, try to use a consistent naming structure throughout all image files as this will also help when it comes to finding what you need.

For example, using a combination of dates and topic tags could be an effective way to name each photo file accurately yet efficiently.

3-Use relevant tags and metadata:

Tagging photos with relevant keywords is another great practice when organizing images according to certain topics or events.

Metadata is additional information associated with an image which can help classify them further into more specific categories.

Examples include labels such as ‘#familygathering’ or ‘#summervacation2019’ depending on the content being viewed.

Using related keywords makes it much easier to locate images under certain topics or events at any time in future searches

As well as helping users differentiate between multiple versions of similar images stored within the same directory if needed.


In conclusion, optimizing photos for Omni channel selling is a critical component of achieving success in today’s digital market.

Taking the time to optimize your photos can result in improved customer experience, as well as increased sales.

The potential benefits that come with optimizing your photos are quite significant, from increasing website traffic and improving user engagement to boosting conversions and enhancing brand credibility.

It’s important to keep in mind that optimizing your photos for each platform requires different approaches and techniques.

 Thus, it’s necessary to choose the most suitable option for achieving the best results.

With proper optimization, you’ll be able to ensure that your images look great across all devices and channels, resulting in better visibility for your products and services.

Ultimately, utilizing this strategy can lead to higher conversion rates, more revenue opportunities and greater customer loyalty.